Across the Fediverse - berit

Across the Fediverse - berit

Tell us a little about yourself, who are you, what do you do, and what interests you about minipainting?

"I’m Berit, I'm a French painter from Tours and I'm also a student in an early modern master, I'm a lot more interested in mini painting rather than playing, but I really like pushing myself todo my best on my paint jobs. People mostly know me on Mastodon for #fedipaint, which I've started and continue to do."

How did you end up on the Fediverse/Mastodon/Pixelfed?

"I’ve been on mastodon for little while now, around 5 years or so ; I've discovered it thanks to a friend of mine ; but I've been on since 2022, something I did when Twitter started to get worst with the influx of fascists in a lot of the Warhammer part of the blue bird ; and since then I'm really happy with, I see a lot of different styles of painting and there’s no competition about who gets the more followers, so less clickbait-y stuff, which is a breath of fresh air."

Want to share any contact information?

"Beyond Mastodon, I can also be found on tumblr (@berit-stuff) and on Instagram ( berit_1)."

How long have you been in the mini painting hobby?

"I’ve been painting for 8 years at this point, but I've been playing for longer, almost 10 years, thanks to now dead associations that were in my city at the time. I started when white dwarf came back in 2016 and offered a slaughter priest miniature with the magazine, but it was also a time when a cousin of mine did give me is full collection of Warhammer (including a Necron, an Ultramarine and an Ork army) which was a nice coincidence."

Are you primarily a wargame player or a mini painter?

"I’m primarily a painter, I just don’t really have time to play these days; but I sometime do games of Necromunda in my local Warhammer shop. Painting is really more flexible to what you can and can’t do, so that helps a lot."

In your own words, what level of painter are you?

"I tend to say that I'm a semi pro painter, mostly due to the fact that I do commission but otherwise I generally see myself as a pretty average painter."

What mini(s)/ model(s) are you using for your current project?

"My current project is the Vulkyn Fyreslayer team for Warcry, I try to paint them at a high level for the small army of Fyreslayers that I have, but other than that I've also a few project that I need to get back like the Cities of Sigmar command squad, and Pontifex Zenestra. As I don’t really make a lot of conversion, I just built the Warcry team as on the box."

What is your favorite part of the model(s) you are working on? What makes it your favorite?

"I really like the bright orange hair they have, I really like to work on, mostly because I don’t have the occasion to do that on other miniatures, also it really helps me to paint a better orange, which is not that easy in my opinion."

What are the most important paints that you are using for your current project?

"The most important one are Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, Jokaeoro Orange, Kislev Flesh, and Fire Dragon Bright. Which are key to paint Fyreslayers!"

What do you like most about them?

"I really like the aesthetic of the unit, and they stand out pretty well in comparison to the rest of the army, thank to the many details, and to the small magmadroth."

What do you like least about them?

"I really don’t like how they stand out so much, which is the main problem with the Fyreslayer army, that start from a good concept (a full army of slayer) but lacks originality, all the unit look the same, except for the Warcry team, which is pretty sad because I really would like a full unit of baby magmadroth for Age of Sigmar!"

What are you learning while you paint the model?

"I learn to paint orange, and because I want to do more NMM in general there is also the goal of painting all the metallics in this style. "

Have any cool events coming up that you would like to share?

"We will soon have another edition of the #Fedipaint, I also have started a local painting competition in my city, nothing beyond that (for the moment at least !)"
